Selasa, 26 Juni 2018

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Tesla Gigafactory | Tesla

The Tesla Gigafactory 1 is a lithium-ion battery manufacturer under construction, especially for Tesla, Inc., at the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center (TRIC) in Storey County (near the Clark, Nevada, USA community). Country).

The plant began producing limited PowerWalls and Powerpacks in the first quarter of 2016 using cell batteries manufactured elsewhere, and began mass-producing cells in January 2017. Nevada's Governor Brian Sandoval estimates that Nevada will enjoy $ 100 billion in economic benefits over two decades of construction and operation of this factory. The grand opening event was held on July 29, 2016.

Tesla begins to refer to Gigafactory SolarCity in Buffalo, New York, in February 2017, as Gigafactory 2. The European Gigafactory will be named Gigafactory 3, 4, or 5 and the location will be announced in 2017. Gigafactory 1, in Nevada, the actual north, done so equipment can be mapped by GPS and solar panels on the roof can be accurately aligned. Also the factory has been designed to be fully self-contained energy. Tesla intends to move the structure through a combination of solar, wind, and geo-thermal sources at the site.

Video Gigafactory 1


The initial public mention of the gigafactory concept was made in November 2013, although Tesla's internal plan preceded it; Tesla has investigated nearly 100 sites.

In July 2014, it was announced that Panasonic had reached a basic agreement with Tesla to invest in the plant, which is estimated to cost $ 5 billion. The TRIC owner gave the first 1,000 acres to Tesla for free. The Reno site and plans are announced with Nevada officials on September 3, 2014. Panasonic will lead the battery cell production from manufacturing, and CEO Tesla Elon Musk indicated in 2015 that Panasonic's total investment will be <$ 1.5-2 billion , and Tesla it will not expand beyond the original plan. In early 2016, Panasonic president Kazuhiro Tsuga confirmed total planned investment of approximately $ 1.6 billion by the company to equip the plant with full capacity. However, after the order number of Model 3 was unveiled in April, Panasonic moved production plans forward and announced bond sales of $ 3.86 billion, mostly to be invested in Gigafactory.

Tesla held a grand opening on July 29, 2016 from an operational facility, has only three of the final 21 "blocks" of built gigafactory, or about 14 percent of the final factory size, expected to be completed by 2020. In September 2016 Tesla spent $ 608 million for Gigafactory.

In October 2016, it was announced that Tesla would build motorcycles and drive units in Gigafactory, in addition to previously announced batteries and battery packs called Powerpacks.

Maps Gigafactory 1


Tesla expects that Gigafactory 1 will reduce production costs for their electric vehicle batteries and Powerwall and Powerpack packages by 30%. The projected capacity for 2018 is 50 ((GW) ¢ h)/a battery pack, and its final capacity upon completion is, in May 2016, planned to be 150 GWh/year battery pack.This will allow Tesla to produce 1,500,000 cars per year.

The plant is designed to optimize quality while minimizing production costs and utilization of raw materials through vertical integration. Tesla expects to achieve cost targets for battery pack production under US $ 100 per kWh of energy storage by 2020, near "inflection point where it starts [cost] less to build an electric powertrain than [combustion engine internal powertrain] even without subsidies or [consider] power savings vs gas. "

Gigafactory is expected to produce batteries at much cheaper cost using economies of scale, innovative manufacturing, waste reduction, and simple optimization to find most of the manufacturing processes under one roof.

Factory location

Tesla was originally considered some of the sites, but Reno was not one of them. A manager at Reno-Tahoe International Airport offers some of the 3,000 acres available at Reno Stead Airport, and persuades the TRIC owner to split the bill for a private jet to fly the Tesla to Reno. Reno tried several times, and Tesla finally came to TRIC and was pleased with the speed of the arrangement work.

Competition and country incentives

At least five countries compete to withdraw Gigafactory by offering tax incentives, cash grants and other methods in the hope of future business; California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Texas, where San Antonio has offered greater incentives without sales tax, but did not get the factory. State without sales tax occupy the list of preferred sites.

Nevada estimates a tax base of $ 1.9 billion over 20 years. After difficult negotiations, Tesla chose the Tahoe-Reno Industrial Center (TRIC) as a Gigafactory location primarily because of the speed and incentive packages of the State of Nevada. Other reasons for the location are rail access, direct sales capability, and low air humidity.

These incentives include $ 195 million in transferable tax credits depending on Tesla's investment schedule and job creation, similar to the Volkswagen Assembly of Chattanooga and others. Tesla's investment earned them about $ 10 million in quarterly tax credits, and by July 2016 had sold it for $ 20 million in cash. By the end of 2016, Tesla and Panasonic own 477 employees and 5,591 construction workers, mostly Nevada residents, and invest $ 1.1b with $ 59m in tax credits.

The incentive package also includes 20 years free of sales tax and 10 years free of property tax, depending on Tesla's ability to meet performance expectations (such as investing $ 3.5 billion in Nevada). By 2034, this package can be accumulated to a value of $ 1.25 billion in missed taxes; 10 largest in the US. A $ 725 million sales tax deduction is crucial, as the other five states do not impose sales tax at all and 34 states, including Arizona and Texas, do not impose sales tax on manufacturing equipment. With a tax base of $ 1.9 billion and an incentive package of $ 1.25 billion, the projected final result is calculated as a tax deduction ratio of 1.52. Nearest data center from Apple Inc. and Switch also receives incentives.

Nevada estimates the construction impact of $ 2.4 billion and the project's economic impact of $ 100 billion over two decades ($ 5 billion/year, where $ 353 million is wages). Some economists say that the figure is "severely flawed", for example, it counts every Tesla employee as if they should not be unemployed and does not spend money on increasing government spending to serve the influx of thousands of local people. Tesla agreed to pay $ 7.5 million per year for 5 years ($ 37.5 million) for the school system.


Nevada State Route 439/USA Parkway along the 6 miles built by TRIC, and connect TRIC to Interstate 80. Since 2004, TRIC owners have planned to extend SR 439 to south to US Route 50. In 2014, Nevada Department of Transportation advances reverse extensions south is off. This improves traffic conditions for many major logistics centers in TRIC and Gigafactory, passing Reno on the way to Route 50 USA. Tesla plans to ship batteries by train to his car factory in Fremont.

Water is rare in Nevada, and some water for Gigafactory is supplied from a processing plant in nearby Washoe County. A 1.5 million US (5.7 million L) water tank is also used (about two Olympic-size swimming pools).

TRIC built a high-pressure natural gas channel to its site, but Tesla decided to use electricity and not connect natural gas to Gigafactory. The heat pump technology is used for heating, and an energy storage tank of 6.8 million dollars is scheduled for the site. In 2014, Navigant estimates the 100 MW power supply that can be supplied (on average) by nearby wind turbines and roof solar panels, while the former Tesla logistics manager by 2016 estimates 300 MW to produce 35 GWh of battery capacity per year.

Tesla works with a mining company to extract lithium as far as 200 miles (320 km) to the southeast, at Silver Peak in Esmeralda County. They intend to process industrial underground salt for more than an hour rather than the traditional way of letting water evaporate from the pond for a year.


Tesla has initiated brush cleansing and grinding during the summer of 2014 (before the official announcement in September; the date of the permit is June 26), with vertical construction reported in January 2015. Tesla and its partners intend to complete the facility by 2018. In the month March 18, 2016 a group of journalists were allowed to visit Gigafactory under strict conditions and found that 14% of the final building area has been completed. In April 2016 there were about 600 construction workers. Depending on the season and stage of development, the number of construction workers fluctuates between 250 and 1,800. On June 13, 2016, Tesla proposed an expansion of $ 63 million into part E on the site. By September 2016, the building has grown to 1.9 million square feet (0.2 million m 2 ) with the areas under construction. By January 2017 the building's footprint was 1.9 million sq., Ft (0.2 million m 2 ) with 4.9 million sq., Ft (0.5 million m 2 ) from a usable area on multiple floors. A combined consolidated value of $ 322 million was registered in July 2016, and $ 1.2b in July 2017. Large corporations and other large enterprises affect the local area by increasing demand in transport (SR 439) and housing; house prices increased by 17% by 2015 from half of its peak in the previous 2008 building bubble. Local businesses are wary of building new homes, mostly done by companies outside the country.

Design features

HVAC equipment is located "between the floors rather than on the walls and ceiling of the floor." All steel comes from the US. Tesla is his own contractor in the project, learning how to build another factory if they so choose.

Future expansion

Before building more gigafactories (see below), Tesla could expand and potentially double the size of Gigafactory 1. In June 2015, Tesla announced its option to purchase 1,864 hectares (754 ha) of land adjacent to 1,000 acres (400Ã, ha) Gigafactory site. According to Tesla spokesman Alexis Georgeson, "The purchase gives us opportunities for future growth." In Tesla's dealings with the state of Nevada, extending the size has always been an option if the company chooses to do so, said Steve Hill, director of the Governor's Economic Development Office. "Tesla has said that the plant will reach 10 million square feet in one or two floors," Hill said. "At a revenue call (in May 2015), Elon said they have not committed to this yet they are considering increasing the gigafactory size here by 50 to 100 percent."

Initial estimates from 2014 projected that the plant would employ about 6,500 people by 2022, requiring at least half of them to become residents of Nevana.

Tesla Gigafactory 1 is beginning to look like a small city [Mar ...


Tesla owns land and buildings, and leases part of the building to Panasonic, which has several cell production equipment. The gigafactory is operated by a management team under executive Jens Peter Clausen, formerly a LEGO executive, the VP of Gigafactory at Tesla. In April 2016 Gigafactory has 317 Tesla and 52 employees by Panasonic, mostly from Nevada, and 850 by December 2016.


The plant is intended to gradually provide handling of batteries from cradle-to-cradle, from raw materials on components to finished products, and recycle old batteries into new ones. The cells make up most of the creation of value, while packing and electronics are small parts. Tesla viewed production as more important than products, and assigned more engineers to develop production equipment than to develop products.

Cell Level

The basis of the energy storage system of Tesla products is lithium-ion cells in the form factor 18650. These cylindrical cells have a diameter of 18 mm and a length of 65 mm, the size used for laptop batteries. Cylindrical cells are generally cheaper (at 190-200 dollars per kWh per 2014) of large-format cells whose active layers are stacked or folded (about 240-250 dollars per kWh).

The battery cells manufactured in Gigafactory are a new form factor, larger than the 18650 cells used in Model S and Model X cars. While the cell is initially expected to be at least 20 mm long and 70 mm in length, the improved specification for the optimized form factor is 21 mm (0.83 inches) by 70 mm (2.8 inches). Tesla then called it '21 -70 ', while Samsung calls the size as' 21700'. Panasonic is expected to start cell production in 2016, and continue for at least 10 years. Only the Panasonic cells will be used in Model 3. Among the machines seen at the opening in July 2016 are press and roll machines for the cathode. Gigafactory started mass production of 2170 in January 2017. Tesla uses lithium Nickel Manganese Cobalt (NMC) lithium cells for stationary storage (Powerwall and Powerpack), and Nickel Cobalt Aluminum Oxide (NCA) for vehicles.

Product level

In October 2015, Tesla moved the production of Tesla Powerwall and Powerpack from the Fremont plant to Gigafactory. Tesla Powerwall has been manufactured at the end since the third quarter of 2015.

Target output

By 2014, the projected capacity of Gigafactory for 2020 is having 35 gigawatt-hours per year of cells as well as 50 gigawatt-hours per year (5.7 MW) of battery packs. Production could be equivalent to supplying 500,000 Tesla cars per year. When completed, the plant is planned to produce more lithium ion batteries in a year than those produced worldwide in 2013.

TESLA GIGAFACTORY August 2017 Aerial Construction Update - YouTube

Future Gigafactories

On April 30, 2015, Elon Musk announced that the now known factory as Gigafactory is now known as Gigafactory 1 because Tesla plans to build more such factories in the future. At the same event, Musk also said that he believed that other companies would build similar "Gigafactories". After receiving an order of $ 800 million ($ 179M PowerWall, $ 625M PowerPack) within 1 week of opening, Musk estimates that Gigafactory 1 is not enough to supply the demand.

In May 2017 at TED Talk, Elon Musk declared his intention to announce three or four new Gigafactory sites. These factories will produce batteries and complete cars to enable their "global production" products.

Tesla Gigafactory 1: new flyover shows new lot ahead of expansion ...


Panasonic ramps up hiring for battery cell manufacturing at 'Tesla ...

External links

  • Official website
  • "The Logic of Tesla's Gigafactory: 'The Economics Are No-Brainer'", The Wall Street Journal
  • "Assault on batteries", The Economist , June 14, 2014 (date of print edition)
  • Tesla timeline: List of construction projects on the gigafactory site so far, February 2015
  • The Inside Of The Gigafactory 25 April 2016

Source of the article : Wikipedia
