Senin, 25 Juni 2018

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Secrets of the US One Dollar Bill - YouTube

The one US dollar bill ($ 1) is denominated in the United States currency. A picture of the first US President (1789-97), George Washington, based on a painting by Gilbert Stuart, is currently displayed on the front (front), and Great Seal of the United States is displayed on the back (back). The one-dollar bill has the oldest overall design of all US currencies currently being produced (Current two-dollar bill dates from 1928, while the opposite appeared in 1976). The front design of the dollar bill seen today debuted in 1963 (reversed in 1935) when it was first issued as a Federal Reserve Note (formerly, a dollar bill is a Silver Certificate).

The inclusion of the motto, "In God We Trust," in all currencies was required by law in 1955, and first appeared on banknotes in 1957.

Individual dollar bills are also less formally known as one , a single , a buck , a bone , and a bill . The Federal Reserve says the average life of the outstanding $ 1 bill is 5.8 years before being replaced due to wear. About 42% of all US currency produced in 2009 is a one-dollar bill.

Video United States one-dollar bill


Notes of large size

( about 7 3/8 ÃÆ'â € "3 1/8 inside? 187 ÃÆ'â €" 79 mm)

  • 1862 : The first one dollar bill is issued as an Official Auction Note (United States Notes) with a portrait of Salmon P. Chase, Treasury Secretary under President Abraham Lincoln.
  • 1869 : The $ 1 United States Note was redesigned with portraits of George Washington at the center and a sketch of Christopher Columbus looking at the ground to the left. The front of the note also displays the colors green and blue. Although this note is technically a United States Note, TREASURY NOTE appears above it, not UNITED STATES NOTE .
  • 1874 : Series 1869 United States Note revised. Changes to the front include removing green and blue colors, adding red floral designs around the word WASHINGTON DC , and changing the terms TREASURY NOTE to UNITED STATES NOTE . The opposite is completely redesigned. These notes were also issued as Series 1875 and 1878.
  • 1880 : Red flower design around the word ONE DOLLAR and WASHINGTON DC in the United States Note has been removed and replaced with a big red seal. The newer version also has a blue serial number and a small seal that is moved to the left side of the note.
  • 1886 : The first woman to appear in US currency, Martha Washington, is shown on a $ 1 silver certificate. The opposite of the note shows an ornate design that fills the entire record, excluding the limit.
  • 1890 : One-dollar Treasury or "Notes for Coins" is issued for silver gold purchase by the government of the silver mining industry. Instead it displays the big word ONE in the center surrounded by an ornate design that occupies almost all records.
  • 1891 : The reverse of the 1890 Series Treasury Note was redesigned because the treasury felt that it was too "busy," which would make it too easy to forge. More open space is incorporated into the new design. The front is largely unchanged.
  • 1896 : The famous "Educational Series" Silver Certificate was issued. The entire exterior is covered with artwork of allegorical figures representing "history instructing youth" in front of Washington D.C. The main background photos of George and Martha Washington are surrounded by an ornate design that occupies almost all records.
  • 1899 : The red $ 1 Silver certificate is redesigned. The front features a US Capitol sketch behind a bald eagle perched on the American flag. Below is a small portrait of Abraham Lincoln to the left and Ulysses S. Grant to the right.
  • 1917 : The front of a $ 1 United States Dollar bit changed with the removal of the decorative frame surrounding the serial number.
  • 1918 : The only large Federal Reserve Note-like bill 1 is issued as a Federal Reserve Bank Note (do not confuse the Federal Reserve Records). Each note is an obligation of the Federal Reserve Bank issued and can only be exchanged at the bank concerned. The front of the note shows an unlimited portrait of George Washington on the left and words throughout the center. The reverse is showing a bald eagle in flight holding the American flag.
  • 1923 : Both the United States Notes and the one-dollar Silver Certificate are redesigned. Both records show the same upside and a front that is almost identical to the same border design and portrait of George Washington. The only difference between the two records is the ink color used for the number 1 which is crossed with the word DOLLAR , the treasury seal, and the serial number together with the words of obligation. This dollar bill is the first and only one large note with standard design for different types of records of the same denomination; this same concept will be used on a small note.

Note small size

(6.14 length â € "2.61 widthÃÆ'â €" 0.0043 in thickness = 156 ÃÆ'â € "66.3 ÃÆ'â €" 0.11 mm)

In 1929, all currencies were converted to a familiar size today. The first one dollar bill is issued as a silver certificate under the 1928 Series. The treasurer's seal and serial number are dark blue. The front is almost identical to the $ 1923 Series silver certificate, but the treasury seal displays the spikes around it and the large gray ONE replaces the blue " 1 DOLLAR . "On the contrary, likewise, it has the same border design as the $ 1923 Series $ 1 bill, but the center displays many of the ONE plates ONE superimposed by ONE DOLLAR . This is commonly known as "Funnybacks" because "ONE" looks strange in the back. The $ 1 silver certificate was issued until 1934.

In 1933, the 1928 Series US $ 1 Notes were issued to supplement the $ 1 Silver Certificate supplies. The treasurer seals and red serial numbers and there are different words on the front of the note. However, a month after their production, it was realized that there would be no real need for this record and production was stopped. A small amount of these $ 1 notes were circulated and the remainder kept in a vault until 1949 when they were expelled in Puerto Rico.

In 1934, the design of the $ 1 silver certificate was changed. This happened with part of the Silver Purchase Act of the year, which led to a substantial increase in the dollar bill backed by the metal. Under the Washington portrait, ONE SILVER DOLLAR changed to ONE DOLLAR . Treasury seals are moved to the right and superimposed over ONE , and blue number 1 is added to the left. The opposite remains the same.

A year later, in 1935, the design of a one-dollar bill was changed again. At the front, the blue number 1 turns to gray and is made smaller, the gray ONE to the right is removed, the treasury seal is made smaller and superimposed by WASHINGTON DC , and stylized ONE DOLLAR is added above the treasury seal. The reverse is also changed to the current design, except for the absence of IN GOD WE TRUST .

World War II brought the special issue of a one dollar bill in 1942. The $ 1 Silver Special Certificate was issued to Hawaii in the event of a Japanese invasion. HAWAII printed vertically on the left and right side of the front and also horizontally on the back. Seal and serial number changed to brown. The Special Silver Certificate is also issued as a payment for Allied forces in North Africa which will start their offensive to Europe. The only difference in this one dollar bill is yellow, not a blue seal. These two types of records can be declared worthless if they fall into enemy hands.

The next change occurred in 1957 when the $ 1 bill became the first sheet of the US currency to bear the motto of IN GOD WE BELIEVE ; it is added above the word ONE on the reverse. Originally the BEP began printing the motto on a note printed with a new 32nd printing machine, but soon the 1935G Bill series printed on 18 note press featured the motto.

The final production of the $ 1 Silver Certificate occurred at the end of 1963. In 1964, the Silver Certificate redemption for silver coins ended and in 1968 the Silver Certificate redemption for gold bars ended.

The production of the Federal Reserve Notes a dollar was made in late 1963 to replace the $ 1 Silver Certificate that would soon be obsolete. The design on the rear remains the same, but the border design on the front has a considerable modification, since most abstract philippraphs are replaced by designs that are mostly botanical in nature. In addition, the word "one," which appears eight times around the border in a small type, is omitted. Serial number and repertory seal are printed in green ink. This is the first time a one dollar bill is printed as a Federal Reserve Note.

The $ 1 bill became the first denomination to be printed at the new Western Currency Facility in February 1991, when a 3.2 million stamp of stellar memo from FRB Dallas was produced.

Although the $ 5 and higher denominations have been redesigned twice since 1995 as part of an ongoing anti-counterfeiting effort, there are currently no plans to redesign a $ 1 or $ 2 bill.

Experimental issues

Since 1933, the one-dollar bill has become an exclusive experimental denomination amongst the US currency in circulation; however, an exception was made in August 1981 for some Richmond $ 10 notes generated on the Natick test paper. The first attempt was conducted in January and February of that year to assess the effect of using different cotton ratios on linen in the manufacture of banknotes. Certificate of silver series 1928A and 1928B $ 1 with letter number X-B and Y-B series used as experiment group; Z-B blocks are used as a control group. Experiment results can not be concluded.

In 1937, another test was conducted, similar to the 1933 experiment. This test used the one dollar bill of the 1935 Series. The special notes used in this experiment can be identified by their serial number. Records ranging from A00000001B to A06180000B and B00000001B-B03300000B are experimental groups and records ranging from C00000001B to C03300000B are part of the control group. No conclusive results were found.

A better known test was conducted in 1942 during World War II to test alternative types of paper. This is a precaution if the current type of paper inventory is untenable. Note The 1935A series is made of special paper and printed with red "S" to the right of the treasury seal, while records from the control group are printed in red R . Because they have multiple collector values, S and S false reds have been applied to the regular 1935A Series records to try to pass them on to higher values; checking the serial number of records can prevent this. Serial number from R group ranges from S70884001C to S72068000C and serial number range S from S73884001C to S75068000C.

Sometimes in the early to mid 1960s, the BEP experimented with the new company, Gilbert Paper Company, to see if they could duplicate ordinary paper production. The BEP selected a series of notes printed by FRB Philadelphia as test subjects. Serial number for this group ranges from C60800001A to C61440000A.

A one-dollar bill was once again the subject of experiments in May 1992, when the BEP began testing an intaglio printing press that was given the web. Due to the need for a larger number of FRN $ 1, BEP sends REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) (1985) NO. BEP-85-73 to acquire a web-feed intaglio printing machine to dramatically increase the production of currency records within their current (1985) 14 & amp; Road facilities. Instead of printing one side of a rectangular sheet of 32 notes at a time, the web-fed press uses 96 engraved or plat-cylinder images to print the back of the note, then 96 other images are engraved cylindrical plates to print the front of the note. Both sides of the note are printed from the roll of paper continuously. The Alexander-Hamilton intaglio Web press prints both sides of the intaglio at the same time. Web-press is designed as a massive production press that goes against the experimental press. Notes were issued in the 1988A, 1993, and 1995 Series. Due to mechanical problems and operator errors, as well as the sometimes poor quality of records, production ended in July 1996. Web notes can be identified with the next back plate number for DI GOD WE TRUST and deletion of faces and quadrant check letters.

Maps United States one-dollar bill

Reversed from current $ 1 bill

George Washington's portrait is displayed in the center of the front of a one-dollar bill, as it had been since the design of 1869. The oval containing George Washington is sustained by laurel leaf bunches.

To the left of George Washington is the seal of the National Reserve District. The name of the Federal Reserve Bank that issued the letter covered the capital letters (A-L), identifying among the twelve Federal Reserve Banks. The bank serial number (1: A, 2: B, etc.) is also displayed in the four corners of the open space on the bill. Until the redesign of higher currency denominations began in 1996, this seal was found in all denominations of Federal Reserve records. Since then it only exists on $ 1 and $ 2 notes, with higher denominations featuring only the Federal Reserve System universal seal, and bank letters and numbers under the top left serial number.

To the right of George Washington is the seal of the Treasury Department of Scales representing justice. Chevron with thirteen stars represents thirteen original colonies. The key under the chevron represents authority and trust; 1789 is the year in which the Ministry of Finance was established. The serial 1969 series is the first to use a simplified Treasury seal, with words in English instead of Latin.

Below the FRD seal (to the left of George Washington) is a signature from the US Treasurer, which sometimes varies, and under the USDT Seal (right side) is the Treasury Secretary's Secretary. To the left of the Secretary's signature is the date of the series. The new series date, or addition or change of sequential letters below the date, results of changes in the Secretary of Treasury, US Treasurer, and/or record appearance changes such as the design of a new currency.

At the end there is an olive branch that is entwined in about 1s. A combination of small plate serial number letters is at the bottom right, and the small plate position letter (check) is in the upper left corner of the note. If "FW" appears before the lower right number plate, it indicates that the charge is produced at the Carving Bureau and Satellite Printing facility in Fort Worth, Texas. Currency has been printed here since 1988A Series. No "FW" means the bill is made at the main factory in Washington, D.C..

US Secrets hidden in one dollar bill - 1$ - YouTube

Reverse the current $ 1 bill

The reverse of a one dollar bill has an ornate design that combines both the Great Seal of the United States side to the left and right of the word ONE . This word stands out in the white space of the bill center in capital letters, shaded, and wrinkled. Images smaller than the word "ONE" are superimposed above the number "1" in each of the four corners of the bill.

"UNITED STATES AMERICA" includes the top of the bill, "ONE DOLLAR" plastered along the bottom, and above the central "ONE" are the words "IN OUR LOVE," which became the official slogan of the United States in 1956 by the Act of Congress. Under the opposite of the Great Seal on the left side of the bill are the words "THE GREAT SEAL," and below the front on the right are the words "FROM THE UNITED STATES."

The Great Seal, originally designed in 1782 and added to the dollar bill design in 1935, is surrounded by intricate floral designs. The alterations used are the official version of the government used since the 1880s.

The opposite of the seal on the left features a barren landscape dominated by an unfinished 13 step pyramid, topped by an Eye of Providence in a triangle. At the base of the pyramid is engraved the Roman numerals of MDCCLXXVI (1776), the date of American independence from England. At the top of the seal there is a Latin phrase, "ANNUIT COEPTIS," which means "He prefers our business." At the bottom of the seal is a semicircle banner stating "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM" meaning "New Order of the Century" which is a reference to the new American era. To the left of this seal, a bunch of 13 pearls extends to the banknote edge.

The front of the seal on the right features a bald eagle, a national bird and a symbol of the United States. Above the eagle is a luminous family of 13 stars arranged in six-pointed stars. The eagle's breasts are covered by a heraldic shield with 13 lines similar to the American flag. As in the first US flag, the stars and stripes stand for the 13 original nations of the union. The eagle holds a ribbon in its beak reading "E PLURIBUS UNUM", a Latin phrase meaning "Of many [countries], one [nation]", a USA de facto motto (and the only one until 1956 ). In his left paw, the eagle has 13 arrows, and in his right claw holds an olive branch with 13 leaves and 13 olives, each representing the forces of war and peace. To the right of this seal, a bunch of 13 pearls extends to the banknote edge. The plate position (check) is usually found to the left of the eagle.

The money factory: How a U.S. one dollar bill is printed

Collecting Federal Reserve dollars

Except for significant errors, and the 1988A web series records printed in small batches for some Federal Reserve districts (which are from others more common), green seal dollars have small collector values. However, two records have aroused public interest, though nothing is scarce.

In 1963, a dollar bill was produced for the Eleventh Federal Reserve District, headquartered in Dallas. Since the FRD jurisdiction is consecutively numbered, the note receives the corresponding letter "K", for the letters to the 11 alphabets. Some people noticed that the 1963 Dallas record, with the numbers "11" and "K" surrounded by black seals, appeared around the time President John Kennedy was shot in Dallas in November 1963. The bill was not a warning issue and there was no connection between it and the shootings.

In 1968-1969 Joseph W. Barr was Minister of Finance for only 31 days and his signature only appeared on the 1963B bill. It is thought that his short tenure may make this record worthwhile, but the use of their plates continued for some time after that and over 400 million were printed. So they are very common.


Redesign or replace the dollar bill

In modern times, a one dollar bill is used more than dollar coins, regardless of the US Government's efforts to promote the latter. There are organizations that are specifically aimed at preventing (Save the Greenback) or advocating (Coin Coalition) the complete elimination of a dollar bill that supports dollar coins.

On November 29, 2012, a parliamentary subcommittee met to consider replacing the dollar. This action occurred after the seventh Government Accountability Office report on this issue. Recent reports claim that switching to dollar coins will save $ 4.4 billion over thirty years. However, according to polls, only a few Americans are willing to give up the dollar. The latest budget passed by Congress has included provisions to prevent the Treasury from spending one of its funds to redesign a one-dollar bill, largely because of the potential cost impacts on the vending machine industry.

The United States one-dollar bill ($1) with George Washington ...

See also

  • In God We Believe
  • Sherman Silver Purchase Act
  • George Washington
  • Where's George?
  • Big Seal

A One Dollar Bill Close Up, Showing The Eagle On The Great Seal ...



  • Blackbook 2006 Official Price Guide to United States Paper Money (38th edition)
  • The United States Edition of the 17th Edition of the United States Dollar Money Catalog was published by Krause Publications
  • The Official Red Book of the United States Banknote Handbook
  • Standard Guide for U.S. Small Size Banknotes

Annuit Coeptis Stock Photos & Annuit Coeptis Stock Images - Alamy

External links

  • The One Dollar Bill, Zoomable and Annotated
  • Higher Federal Pension Fund $ 1 Note

Source of the article : Wikipedia
